Via Instagram, Getty Images
Summer Walker might be done with London On Da Track, but she isn’t finished blasting him for his parenting skills on the socials! Things between Summer and London have been seemingly copesetic between the two until Summer stated that she “hates” the father of her child and wishes he wasn’t in her or their daughter’s life anymore.
Summer Walker posted a series of messages aimed at London, after he posted a few photos and videos with their daughter over the weekend. Apparently, Summer wasn’t feeling the posts, and accused London of posting their baby girl for clout, among other things.
“You haven’t seen my child in almost 2 months, no call, no FaceTime, no nothing. Ain’t even asked for a picture from either me or the nanny and when you finally get her, this is the first thing that came to your mind to do?” referring to a video London posted of Bubbles wearing a iced out chain. “She’s not one of your little cars or props you can just post for clout. I wish you would just go.”
A few of the posts included screenshots of text messages seemingly between London and Summer, where Summer questioned her ex-boyfriend about a bruise baby Bubbles had when she returned home from her dad’s house. On top of that, Summer alleged that their daughter does not have a bedroom or play room at he dad’s house, and compares leaving Bubbles with London to leaving her with a stranger.
“I’m basically leaving my child with a stranger,” she wrote. “This is uncomfortable for me. Why neither one of them can’t even show me a picture of her room in ATL. She’s 8 months. You had plenty of time to get her a room. She prolly sleeping on some cheap foldable bed thing you get from Target y’all placed in the corner.”
Summer also she referred to her new boyfriend as Bubbles’ step father, and stated she doesn’t need London in her life.
London On Da Track has yet to reply to Summer’s claims.
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