Categories: Celebs


Stacey Dash is back to her typical antics! Self-hate and anti-black comments were the theme of her interview on Fox News’ ‘Fox and Friends’ show this morning.


When asked how she felt about celebrities like Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith boycotting the Oscars because of lack of black representation, she said it was ludicrous. She continued, saying that “we” need to make up our minds on if we want segregation or integration. She furthered her explanation saying “if we don’t want segregation we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the Image Awards.” To continue her viewpoint, she claimed that there shouldn’t be a Black History Month because “we’re Americans, period.”

She thinks so because these award shows and the holiday honor only blacks and she feels that if it were the other way around there would be backlash. She brought up Barack Obama being financially supported by many liberal elites in Hollywood but still there is not many roles for blacks in Hollywood and asks “How can that be”?
Stacey Dash, an actress herself, says she’s glad the issue of diversity has been brought up but claimed that she doubts the ratings of the Oscars Show, premiering late next month, will go down.

Check out the interview below: 

Source: MediaMatters,
TSR Intern: Jalen M. @jalenmosby on IG. 

Chinwe U.

Chinny’s background in the world of marketing & brand management in some of the world’s leading global companies, is just what The Shade Room needs. Her practical knowledge of lifestyle and entertainment and dabble in the fashion industry doesn’t hurt either. When you mix her well rounded knowledge of what is going on in today’s social sphere you’ve got the perfect tools for a little Shade.