Categories: Celebs

Solange Is Set To Direct SZA’s ‘The Weekend’ Video!

Roommates, do you remember when #Solange posted a man Instagram video of herself listening to one of #SZA’s songs back in July? In response, the #Ctrl singer tweeted, “Sigh I jus wanna hold hands ‘n spin around that room w/chu.” Just hours later, Solo tweeted back, “Less make a date and dooo it!”

Well, it’s happening, y’all. It’s really happening!! Earlier this week, a tweet from @DailySZA announced that Solange will be working with SZA on her video for #TheWeekend and we can confirm it that this is real life.

Solange will be directing the video and it will take place in ten different locations with corresponding looks.

We cannot take all this Black Girl Magic!!!


TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on IG, @tallyohhh on Twitter