Listen #Roommates, I understand your struggles first hand, I do… I really do! The gym isn’t for everybody and I know it can be frustrating to hit the gym consistently and still see no results, but what you shouldn’t do is take your anger out on the exercise equipment!!
Unfortunately one woman had enough of lifting weights and walking on the treadmill and decided she was going to f*** it up in the gym, and that’s exactly what she did.
According to Fox 5 DC, the woman went crazy inside a local Goodlife Fitness gym in Toronto. No equipment was safe from her wrath but the crazy part about all of this is… sis wasn’t even a member at that gym!
It’s not exactly clear why she decided to go a little cray cray, but her actions ended up getting her arrested and escorted out of the gym.
As for the equipment, well it’s pretty much done.