Serena Williams announces that she will soon retire from tennis as she works on expanding her family with her husband. (Photo by Robert Prange/Getty Images)
There is no doubt that Serena Williams is one of the greatest athletes to ever touch the tennis court. She has inspired so many people throughout the world and throughout many different generations with what she was able to accomplish on and off the court. With all that she has done within her career, Serena is officially announcing that she is evolving away from tennis. She has a few more matches left before she gracefully bows out.
She made the big announcement in the latest issue of Vogue and said,
“I have never liked the word retirement. It doesn’t feel like a modern word to me. I’ve been thinking of this as a transition, but I want to be sensitive about how I use that word, which means something very specific and important to a community of people. Maybe the best word to describe what I’m up to is evolution. I’m here to tell you that I’m evolving away from tennis, toward other things that are important to me.”
The tennis champion started her announcement off by sharing that her daughter Olympia has been asking for a baby sister, and Serena has taken that into consideration with making her decision.
“Believe me, I never wanted to have to choose between tennis and a family. I don’t think it’s fair. If I were a guy, I wouldn’t be writing this because I’d be out there playing and winning while my wife was doing the physical labor of expanding our family,” she said.
While admitting that she’s been reluctant to accept that she has to move on from playing the sport, Serena said, “One thing I’m not going to do is sugarcoat this. I know that a lot of people are excited about and look forward to retiring, and I really wish I felt that way.”
She also touched on her and her husband Alexis expanding their family, and giving Olympia the sibling she’s been asking for.
“In the last year, Alexis and I have been trying to have another child, and we recently got some information from my doctor that put my mind at ease and made me feel that whenever we’re ready, we can add to our family. I definitely don’t want to be pregnant again as an athlete. I need to be two feet into tennis or two feet out.”
With her time competing on the court soon coming to an end, Serena says, “I wasn’t ready to win Wimbledon this year. And I don’t know if I will be ready to win New York. But I’m going to try.” When her official ending does come, she says she doesn’t want any ceremonial or final on-court moments, stating, “I’m terrible at goodbyes, the world’s worst.”
Nonetheless, she has expressed her gratitude, concluding, “Please know that I am more grateful for you than I can ever express in words. You have carried me to so many wins and so many trophies. I’m going to miss that version of me, that girl who played tennis. And I’m going to miss you.”
Check out Serena’s full announcement here.
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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94