Safaree (Photo: via Instagram)
Social media has become the biggest influence for the younger generation, and while it can encourage growth, wealth and overall creativity, watching people on social media can also have a negative impact, according to Safaree Samuels.
Safaree recently posted a message to Instagram about the impact that social media can have on our youth, specially on young people’s mental health.
“Social media got 22 year olds wanting to off they selves cause they don’t make 6 figures and drive a 7 series. Sh*t is terrible,” the post read. “Got a woman thinking if you can’t afford a Chanel bag you doing bad in life and offer them nothing. Got dudes thinking a good 9-5 is slavery. Nobody likes their body, nobody likes their home. Just a mass group of people wanting what others have or pretend to have.”
Life sure was different before the age of social media, and Safaree says he enjoyed his childhood without all of the pressure to live up to unreal expectations.
Now we know social media has opened the door for young people to express themselves in the way they see fit, and to make money while doing it. Influencers, Youtubers, and brand ambassadors are all examples of jobs that we wouldn’t have seen before, and these jobs have also normalized luxurious and often unrealistic lifestyles for people in their early 20’s.
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