
Rudy Gobert, Donovan Mitchell & The Rest Of The Utah Jazz Team Cleared Of Coronavirus Following 14 Days Of Quarantine

#Roommates, Utah Jazz players Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell (the first two NBA players to be diagnosed with coronavirus) have some good news to celebrate. According to new reports, both men have been officially cleared of the highly contagious disease following their 14 days of self-quarantine.

@WashingtonPost reports, after spending two weeks in strongly suggested self-quarantine following testing positive for the coronavirus, both Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell, along with the rest of the Utah Jazz players and staff members, have all been cleared by the Utah Department of Health. The update of their health was announced on March 27th.

The Utah Jazz released a statement on the team website regarding the health update, writing:

“The Utah Department of Health has determined that all Jazz players and staff, regardless of prior testing status, no longer pose a risk of infection to others. All Jazz players and staff will continue to practice distancing while limiting time outside of their home to essential activities, in accordance with recommendations by the NBA and the Centers for Disease Control.”

Upon learning the news that he had been cleared, Donovan posted this on social media:

“On a more serious note, let’s continue to practice social distancing and remember… even though you may not have symptoms you still may be infected!! Let’s keep everyone in our prayers and stay safe.”

As we previously reported, after Rudy was highly criticized for his actions that many believe led to the spread of coronavirus within the NBA, he publicly apologized, stating “I hope my story serves as a warning and causes everyone to take this seriously. I will do whatever I can to support using my experience as way to educate others and prevent the spread of this virus.”

We hope that this good news continues for everyone else infected.


Roommates, what are your thoughts on this?

Danielle Jennings