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Roland Martin Becomes Emotional As He Sees A Long Line Of Early Voters

As we all know this is a very important election year, and many people have been using their voices and platforms to encourage everyone to get out there and vote during this presidential election.

As we get closer to Election Day, early voting has already started in several states, and one of those states is Texas.

On Tuesday, Roland Martin shared a video of him getting emotional as he pulled up to the Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas and saw a long line of people waiting to vote. He shared a video of him with tears coming down his face as Trey Songz’s single “2020 Riots: How Many More Times,” played in the background.

In his post he said, I have voted all my life. But when I rolled up to Friendship-West Baptist Church this AM, and I saw this massive line after the polls had been open 27 minutes, the tears just hit me. I was listening to Trey Songz song, ‘2020 Riots: How Many Times,’ and it just hit me.”

He continued, “My tears were also because I started with Common and John Legend’s ‘Glory,’ and Common has a line that says “freedom is like a religion to us.” I know what Black folks have been through in this country. Voting is not the be-all-to-end-all, but I sure as hell know it IS part of the solution.”

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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94

Jade Whiteside