
Restaurant Staff Turns Mother’s Day Around For One Mom Eating Alone

Yesterday, mothers around the nation received gifts and calls from their loved ones telling them how much they love and appreciate them. Unfortunately, one South Carolina mom was left sitting by the phone so she decided to take herself out for Mother’s Day, and boy was she in for a treat.

According to Fox 8, Barbara Foy was feeling sad after not getting a call from her son, so she went to the local Ruby Tuesday’s near Surfside Beach in Horry County.

Staff members noticed that Barbara was eating alone, so they decided to come together and make her a Mother’s Day gift basket. They also paid for her lunch and a customer brought her a rose.

The restaurant’s general manager, Lauren Nave, said that the staff felt so bad for Barbara that they were nearly in tears and wanted to do something.

“I really felt like I was queen for a day … Mother for a day,” Barbara said. “I’ve never been made to feel so special.”