R. Kelly sends his condolences to Tyrese following the passing of his mother. Tyrese shared his message with his followers. (Getty Images)
Tyrese’s mother Priscilla Murray Gibson unfortunately passed away last month following health complications. Tyrese shared what was going on with his mother as he asked his supporters for prayers. Late Friday, Tyrese took to Instagram to share that R. Kelly recently sent his condolences in the wake of his mother’s passing.
Tyrese shared a screenshot of a text message thread, where someone said, “Yo B…I got a message for Tyrese from Rob.” The message continued to state, “Hey Lil Bro My Condolences To You About Mom…She Is In A Better Place With My Mom & They Both Smiling Down On Us…I Pray For You & Keep It Going, One Love.”
The ending of the message said, “I know it a lot having to deal with this in the limelight but keep ya head up,” and it was signed “Rob.”
Tyrese, who shared the message with his comment section turned off, said, “Yup….. just broke down in my trailer took me 45 mins to recover love you Kellz damn he is on the inside and still took time to get Condolences out to me and my family…Love you Kellz. No comments needed…”
Tyrese added, “Selfishly I wish they could sneak a ProTools rig and a mic in your jail cell so that you can unload all of those ideas cause I know you don’t write all of your hits have been freestyled off the top…… But that’s just me…. R&B King!”
As previously reported, Tyrese shared that his mother had been in a coma and was battling pneumonia and COVID. After revealing her diagnosis, he would update his supporters on her progress. Unfortunately, on February 14th, he shared that his mother passed away.
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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94