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Three days ago, a TikTok was posted of a mother perming her three-year-old daughter’s hair in a beauty salon. The video was shared by user @flambingo, who listed her identity as a 23-year-old mother-of-one in her account’s bio.
The video was shared on Saturday and has garnered over 468,000 views. As well as 22.3 likes.
The video begins with the mother showing the three-year-old girl sitting in a styling chair at the salon. The hairstylist can be seen applying the chemical relaxer to the child’s hair.
The video then shows the relaxer being washed and shampooed out of the child’s hair. From there, the child returns to the styling chair. And the hairstylist seems to apply another product, which could be a conditioner, to the three-year-old’s hair.
Then, the stylist proceeds to part her hair into sections and styles the girl’s hair into braids.
The video then cuts to the three-year-old showing off her braids, which look to have added length, to another woman. The video ends with the child waving at the camera.
The clip has garnered over 3,000 comments. And undeniably left viewers split in their stance. Some users have questioned why the mother would decide to perm her daughter’s hair at such a young age. While others have shared their understanding of her decision.
lol i got my 1st perm at 3! My hair is still long & healthy permed hair
As long as the child is happy, and it’s taken care of then I don’t see no wrong
Easier to maintain w/o crying i did it to my daughter hair I regret it buttt i can maintain her hair w/o hassle
Awww baby’s happy and mama’s happy!! That’s all that matters
Other users replied voicing their disagreement with the mother’s decision.
Do you worry about fibroids/cancer risk with the relaxer?
I did this to my daughter.. worse decision I made!!! She’s 21 now and her hair still ain’t right smh
I’m surprised the stylist did it, more than anything. Stylists should be educating along with styling but it’s your kid so it’s your decision
I’m surprised though that they give relaxers that young
Just know that relaxing doesn’t stop maintenance. It needs even more now bc the hair is in a more fragile state and the bonds are broken.
Some were confused why the mother decided to perm the girl’s hair, only to follow up by styling it in braids.
She didn’t have to relax her hair for that style …. I thought she was trying to give her some finger waves or summ
She put a relaxer in and rubber bands
Relaxed it to just put braids in
The 23-year-old mother took the time to respond to some comments. And defended her decision to perm her three-year-old daughter’s hair. She replied to one comment saying that is 23 years old with a “head full of RELAXED hair.” And another, saying that her decision was a “last resort.”
this was last resort type stuff honestly, it’s not damaging if you going to the right person and know how to maintain it
She also followed up with a few videos making light of the situation.
Then continued to defend her decision.
The 23-year-old’s mother also shared a TikTok, defending her daughter’s decision.
Roommates, what do you think of the mother and grandmother’s decision?