George Floyd (Photo: via Instagram)
Roommates, earlier today during DAY 13 of the Derek Chauvin trial, many were outraged when defense witness Dr. David Fowler said that carbon monoxide poisoning killed George Floyd. Well, prosecutor Jerry Blackwell wasn’t having the outrageous claims regarding George Floyd’s death—and he ripped Fowler’s testimony during an expert cross-examination.
Following Dr. David Fowler’s testimony for the defense, in which he stated that George Floyd died as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning, prosecutor Jerry Blackwell cross-examined him and promptly shut down his statements. When Blackwell openly questioned him about his carbon monoxide comments, Fowler agreed there was no finding of carbon monoxide in George Floyd’s system because no tests were actually conducted. Blackwell continued to press Fowler and asked him if he knew for certain that the police car was definitely running as Floyd was being restrained by Derek Chauvin.
Fowler backtracked on his earlier claims of certainty and responded to Blackwell’s intense line of questioning, admitting that he only believed the car was running because he saw water dripping from the tail pipe. The exchange between the two got a little heated when Blackwell asked, “You simply assumed, seeing something dripping from a tailpipe, that the car had to be on?” To which Fowler replied, “It’s not an assumption. It’s an evaluation that in my mind indicates the vehicle was running.”
During his defense testimony, Fowler previously said that carbon monoxide is an “extremely toxic gas” and that “people with significant heart disease and reduced capacity in the heart” can be adversely affected by lower levels.
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