Categories: Celebs

President Obama Shuts Down NYC For A Last Appearance On The David Letterman Show!

David Letterman and President Barack Obama have something in common: they are both retiring soon! The last Letterman show will air on May 20th, 2015 and Barack came to New York just to chat it up with his friend. 

Both, Obama and Letterman say that once they’ve retired, they would like to disappear from the spot light, President Obama said, “It does feel good not to have to be on the stump”. The President spoke on behalf of his wife also saying that once he is no longer president, they’d like to  get involved with causes in a “different capacity” like climate change and helping disadvantaged youth as well as supporting military families.

On the topic of the Baltimore Riots, Letterman had asked the President whether racism is a factor in minority communities not trusting police and he said that the effects of slavery, discrimination and Jim Crow laws have definitely played a hand in that, but society has made some changes that he feels are steering the country in the right direction.

All in all, President Obama says that he’s really looking forward to playing Dominoes with Letterman. “I was thinking you and me could play some dominoes together,” Obama said. “We could go to the local Starbucks and swap stories.”

You can watch the full interview in the link provided below!

TSR Intern: Talia O. @closetratchet on Instagram and @tallyohhh on Twitter!