President Obama is prepping to send his daughter Malia off to college soon and he cannot deal! The teenager will be graduating from Sidwell Friends School in DC next spring, but President Obama had to gather himself as he spoke about seeing his daughter off for her first day of school for the last time.
“Just yesterday, Malia started her first day of senior year. You know, I was sitting in her room because I was going to see her off on her first day of school,” Obama said in a speech to students at Macomb County Community College in Michigan on Wednesday.
He went to share with them that after she had placed her head on his shoulder, she charged, “Daddy, you know, you realize this is probably going to be the last time that you ever send me off for my first day of school.”
Now, we all know that President Obama is pretty gangsta, so he held in real tears, but he couldn’t be more proud of his baby girl. He confided with the students that he had to look away in order to prevent himself from being a crybaby! “Michelle and I are way too young to have daughters who are both almost in college now,” he said, “So as a parent, I was a little freaked out.”
According to Us Magazine, Malia began interning as a production assistant for Halle Berry’s show Extant and Lena Dunham’s show Girls on HBO. It’s amazing that the Obamas have set their daughters up for a lifetime of success and we can’t wait to see what mark these ladies make on the world!