Categories: News

#PrayForSyria: As Many As 85 Dead In Syria After US Airstrike

It is being reported that at least 85 people, with a dozen or more of them being children, have been killed in US air strikes that were targeting an area inhabited by the Islamic State. Last night, entire families, living in the village of Tokhar near Manbij, were eliminated and could be one of the deadliest bombings by coalition forces according to the International Business Times.

The US military did confirm that they were responsible for the bombing and say that they are investigating it. In a statement, they reported, “If the information supporting the allegation is determined to be credible, we will then determine the next appropriate step,” and added that they are taking “all measures during the targeting process to avoid or minimise civilian casualties”.

The IB Times reports, “Earlier on Tuesday, US military officials announced the US-backed Syria Democratic Forces (SDF), a mix of Kurdish and Arab fighters, had taken control of an IS headquarters in the area, located in a hospital.” It’s just incredibly unfortunate that so many innocent people were caught in the crossfire.

Please keep the families of the slain in your prayers! #PrayForSyria

TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!

Kyle Simpson

Kyle Anfernee is the youngest out of The Shade Room Crew. Kyle is currently finishing his bachelors at Pepperdine University, and is expected to graduate this April with a degree in Broadcast Journalism. Kyle joined TSR back in October as an Intern, and has since been added to the team. Watch out for Kyle because he's on track to be the next Terrence Jenkins for sure!