As the families of the Orlando shooting victims continue to be outraged and saddened, like we all are. It’s still baffling how easy it is to purchase what some call, “the gun of the week”.
Philadelphia Inquirer journalist, Helen Ubiñas, quickly learned how easy it was for 29-year-old, Omar Mateen to buy the AR-15 rile used in the shooting. In fact, she was able learn so within a matter of seven minutes.
However, the main question is, why is it so easy to buy a firearm so quickly?
According to Ubiñas all you need is a drivers license, and to be able to do pass a background check. She described the incident,“ It’s obscene. Horrifying!”
And don’t even think about coming up with an explanation about why you need to purchase such an item, it turns out you won’t need one according to Ubiñas.
After being disturbed by her observation, Ubiñas turned in the weapon to the police and turns out that process took longer than it did purchasing the gun.