
Pastor Mike Todd Addresses Using Spit As A Demonstration Tactic In His Sermon

Pastor Mike Todd nearly broke the internet on Sunday evening and early Monday. Social media platforms were buzzing with commentary about a viral video in which the pastor is seen spitting on his hand and wiping it across his brother’s face. The demonstration was a reference to when Jesus used his own spit to heal a blind man. The pastor explained prior to wiping on the saliva that sometimes “receiving vision from God might get nasty.”

Early Monday afternoon, Pastor Mike addressed the demonstration on his Instagram. Apparently, he watched the clip back and agrees with critiques about it being “disgusting.”

“That was gross. I want to validate everybody’s feelings,” he said. “That was a distraction to what I was really trying to do. I was really trying to make the word come alive and for people to see the story, but yesterday it got too live.”

Pastor Mike went on to explain that he and Transformation Church really want to help people. He said his passion for this cause drives him to do extreme things. Apparently, his brother, who received the spit and wipe is doing good. Mike even joked that he was bald before the demonstration and still is, so next time he’ll rethink his strategy.

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Cassandra S

I like to tell stories, pretend I'm funny and experience everything so I can tell more stories. I love the truth and I'm great at verifying it.