50 Cent (Photo: via Getty Images)
50 Cent, the man responsible for the Power series and all of its spin-offs, has had fans glued to their televisions every Sunday night since the franchise’s debut in 2014. In spite of the show’s success, 50 said he’s done playing games with Starz in a new Instagram post.
Fifty’s post was pretty vague, but he alluded to cutting ties with the network over negotiations about Tommy’s spin-off show FORCE being renewed. He says FORCE is the highest rated show on the network but he hasn’t heard anything about a new contract.
“This is me packing my stuff,” 50 Cent captioned a gif of a man packing a travel bag. “STARZ sucks. My deal is up over here I’m out. They renewed High Town and FORCE is the highest rated show they have sitting in limbo. If I told you how much dumb sh*t I deal with over here. You would think they all went to school on a small yellow bus.”
Power Book IV: Force follows the life of Tommy Eagan, played by Joseph Sikora, after he leaves his drug business in New York behind to build his own empire in Chicago. Initially, Tommy intends to make a detour in Chicago to visit his grandmother while traveling to the west coast, but he finds himself entangled in the city’s drug game.
So far, there has been no word of the series being renewed or cancelled, but fans seem to be riding for 50 Cent and his franchise!
“He putting his foot on them folks neck,” one fan commented. “They know damn well people will make waves behind their Power shows. And shows can’t air if the creator doesn’t allow it. Plus nobody was really f*cking with Starz like that in the last ten years until Power became a focal point series.”
Would y’all continue streaming the network without the Power franchise, Roomies? Let us know in the comments!
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