Remember Love and Hip Hop New York’s Nya Lee? She was the fiesty stripper turned rapper who wasn’t afraid to pop off or admit to her butt shots.
Well, by the looks of things it seems Nya has turned a new leaf, at least when it comes to her religion. She may have shocked everyone when she posted on Instagram of her 2 year journey with the Muslim faith!
Of course considering Nya’s background people weren’t too convinced that she was qualified due to her stripping past and let it be known in her comments saying “One day a hoe, the next day a Muslim..hmm social media wild AF.”
Lordt. That was just one comment!
She was met with some support, but haters made sure to let her know how they felt.
Check out the reactions below:
Do y’all think it’s wrong for Nya to join the Muslim faith because of her past?
TSR Staff: Chinny @Miss_ChinChin on IG!