Nina Simone’s Daughter Defends Zoë Saldana Amid Biopic Backlash

Hey, Roommates! We just had to keep it all the way G with y’all today.

So, this week, we all learned that the Nina Simone biopic, featuring Zoë Saldana, finally got a release date despite negative backlash and is scheduled to be released April 22nd! In an interview with Time, Simone Kelly defended the actress by saying, “It’s unfortunate that Zoe Saldana is being attacked so viciously when she is someone who is part of a larger picture. It’s clear she brought her best to this project, but unfortunately she’s being attacked when she’s not responsible for any of the writing or the lies.”

Kelly’s only real issue with the film is that it inaccurately focuses on Nina and her manager, Clifton (played by David Oyelowo) who she says was gay! Oop! She told Rolling Stone, “The movie is about a relationship between my mother and Clifton which never took place. They never had an amorous relationship. The project has been tainted from the very beginning. Clearly, it is not the truth about my mother’s life and everyone now knows that. This is not how you want your loved ones remembered.”

Nina Simone’s brother, Sam Waymon was also added his two cents in about the film and accused Saldana of using blackface…when she’s already black. “It’s an insult, to our people and their struggle and to all the things that Nina stood for in her music and all the things she stood for in her life. It takes a lot of guts and gall to do that,” and added that it’s “what we consider blackface.” Other publications have gone as far as compiling a list of actresses who could do a better portrayal of Nina Simone and it’s really upsetting. Has a person’s talent really been deduced to their skin color? What sense does it make that there is outrage over another woman of color slaying a jazz great?

After all, Saldana’s job as an actress is to convey emotions that make you feel some type of way, so, indeed, she’s done her job. However, can we put an end to the exclusive racism within the black community? *sips tea*

Aaliyah was right. We need a resolution.

TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Instagram!