Yesterday, news broke about Nicki Minaj’s brother, Jelani Maraj being arrested charged with sexual assault for allegedly raping a 12-year-old girl. Jelani was taken to jail in Nassau County but was released on $100,000 bond, put up by none other than his sis, Nicki!
This whole thing must have taken toll on Nicki as she and Jelani have a very close relationship. Ironically enough there was a time when the rapper did publicly express how much she despises people that harm children. Back in 2012, Nicki tweeted that people who harmed children should be “stoned to death.”
Even though Nicki is very upset with the whole situation she is choosing to have her brother’s back and put two of her homes in NY up as collateral for his bond, one which her brother shares with her mom.
As the charges still stand, if convicted, Jelani could be facing some serious time, but it looks like Nicki will be there for her big bro regardless. Lets chat below!!
TSR Intern Jen M.
IG: @_jenmars