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Aht Aht! Nicki Minaj had some time last tonight to clear the air after an article by Glamour magazine published information that Nicki disagreed with regarding collaboration with Jessie J. If you recall, the women were on the song, ‘Bang Bang,’ which also featured Ariana Grande. Jessie J said that ‘Bang Bang’ was already an established song in the interview, but she wanted to have Nicki on a verse.
Nicki and Jesse clearly did not have the same depiction of how the collaboration came about and Nicki hopped on her Twitter to let it be known that she did not hear this song and asked to be featured on the track. Nicki tweeted, “Babe @JessieJ, I didn’t hear the song and ask to get on it. The label asked me to get on it and paid me. How would I have heard this song?” She continued tweeting, “Chile, what am I the damn song monitor? Snoopin’ around for songs chile? This was said by another artist recently as well. Ya’ll gotta stop. love you.”
Nicki didn’t stop there. She also responded to one of her Barbz, who tweeted, “Every time Nicki speaks up, ya’ll gonna call her bitter. She was clearing it up.” Nicki seemed very unbothered in her response. She replied,” Who gives AF. I can’t believe I used to care what people thought/said about me, chile. Ya’ll be sounding so scary. You ok, babe?”
As the Barbz continued to tweet Nicki, one pulled up an old interview with Jesse saying she wanted Nicki featured on another song. It seems like there is no issue with Nicki because she also responded, saying she would’ve been down, but her label never contacted her.
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