
NFL Fines The Raiders And Saints Coaches $100K Each For Failing To Properly Wear Face Masks During Monday Night’s Game

TSR Sports: Whew! The NFL is not playing about the ‘Rona and those who don’t follow their rules will have to pay the price, literally! Following Monday night’s game between the Las Vegas Raiders and the New Orleans Saints, the NFL is issuing some hefty fines for a few violations.

Raiders Head Coach, Jon Gruden, and Saints Head Coach, Sean Payton have each been fined $100,000 for failing to properly wear a face mask in the bench area during Monday night’s game, according to Bleacher Report.

In addition to the coaches being fined, the Raiders and the Saints were fined $250,000 each for the coaches’ violations. It’s not enough for these coaches to just have masks as both Gruden and Payton were seen with masks down around their chins. The NFL is expecting coaches to responsibly wear their masks at all times on the sidelines, and it seems like the coaches are having a hard time abiding by these rules.

To put things into perspective, it’s only week two of the NFL’s return and the NFL has already issued a total of $1.75 million in fines.

On Monday, the NFL issued the same fines to the Denver Broncos, Seattle Seahawks, and San Francisco 49ers and their head coaches.

Perhaps the teams can afford the fines but in any event, it’s understandable that the NFL is being very cautious after nearly 100 players tested positive for the virus over the course of four months.

Gruden revealed that he contracted the coronavirus over the summer during Monday night’s post-game conference. He was the fourth coach in the league to reveal a diagnosis.

Time will tell if coaches and players will start to take these regulations seriously. We’ll keep you posted on any updates.

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Christina Calloway