
New York Gov. Cuomo Tells People Protesting Shutdown To ‘Go Take A Job As An Essential Worker’

Oop! New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo isn’t one to mince words and today he had a message for a few people protesting the state’s coronavirus-related shutdown.

Cuomo was asked about protesters outside the State Capitol in Albany who were complaining about running out of money at a news conference today, according to ABC 7 New York.

While Cuomo expressed sympathy for their struggle, he also noted that the virus is still killing hundreds of New Yorkers on a daily basis. If they want to go back to work so bad, Cuomo expressed he knows some places hiring.

“There are people hiring,” he said. “You can get a job as an essential worker. So now you can go to work and you can be an essential worker and you are not going to kill anyone.”

Cuomo said that the risk of death outweighs economic hardship, or in other words, lives matter more than making money.

“The illness is death,” Cuomo said. “What is worse than death?”

While New York officials and the medical workforce are tirelessly working to slow the spread, it’s understandable that the state may take longer than others to reopen given its larger population.

We’re praying for everyone’s safety and health at this time.


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Christina Calloway