
Netflix Creates New “Co-Watching” Contract For Couples To Prevent Bae From Watching Your Shows Without You

Not too long ago #QueenNaija took to Twitter to lament about a common problem that many of us in relationships have.

She was mad when she found out Clarence had been watching their show without her and equated that level of betrayal to cheating and well…same, sis, same. 

If you’re wondering if it’s that serious, it is for #Netflix, which has recognized this epidemic and has introduced a binge-watching contract for couples so that there could be some civil agreement before a couple embarks on a new show, according to @deadline.

The new Netflix “co-watching” contract is a document that both partners must sign, with Netflix listed as a witness. The document is an agreement and lists five very specific but important rules to follow before binge-watching a show together.

The rules are:

  • I won’t fall asleep
  • I won’t get distracted by my phone causing the other person to rewind because I missed something;
  • I won’t continue watching a show without the other person present;
  • I won’t talk whilst the show is on; In the event that I come across a spoiler,
  • I won’t share it with the other person.’

It doesn’t really say what happens if one person in the relationship breaks the rules, so let’s just say, don’t try it.

In case you didn’t know, there is a percentage of people who feel that Netflix cheating is worse than regular cheating.

I guess the contract is null in void if a couple doesn’t work out but for now, let’s just assume that this contract is meant as a tool to work issues out because a couple that binge watches together, stays together.

What do y’all think of the Netflix co-watching rules? Are there any ones missing that you observe in your home? Let us know!

TSR STAFF: Christina C! @cdelafresh


Christina Calloway