
Mom Straight Up Bounces After Son Commits To Florida Over Alabama On Live TV

National Signing Day is supposed to be one of the greatest days for a high school athlete, but that wasn’t the case when it came to Jacob Copeland’s mom. The 6-foot, 190-pound football player committed to the Gators over Alabama and Tennessee live on ESPN2, and his mother straight up bounced from the table and walked off!

According to CBS Sports, right after Jacob put on that Florida hat, sis quietly gathered her belongings moments after her son made one of the biggest decisions of his life.

Jacob spoke about the situation and said, “We had a lot of conversations back and forth about where I should go to school. God led me and my gut led me to where my heart desired. I can’t go with my mind, I got to go with my heart.”

His mother eventually came back after he finished speaking and signed the Letter of Intent, and put her emotions to the side and gave her son a hug.