Categories: Celebs

Minnesota Vikings Guard Alex Boone Isn’t Here For 49ers Quarterback Colin Kaepernick Not Standing For The National Anthem…’You should have some f****** respect for people who served’

#Roommates it’s no secret that 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick is receiving some backlash for not standing up for the national anthem during his preseason games. Alex Boone, former defensive end for the 49ers, is known for having Kaepernick’s back when they were teammates, but now times have changed because Alex feels that Kaepernick’s actions are completely disrespectful.

According to Daily Mail, the 29-year-old, who now plays for the Minnesota Vikings, said that if he and Kaepernick were still on the same team he would have a few words for him.
Alex said,

‘You should have some f****** respect for people who served, especially people that lost their life to protect our freedom,’ Boone told ESPN. ‘We’re out here playing a game, making millions of dollars. People are losing their life, and you don’t have the common courtesy to do that. That just drove me nuts.’

Alex’s frustration with Kaepernick could be due to the fact that his brother served in the Marines in Iraq.
#Roommates we want you to weigh in on this issue….Thoughts?


Kyle Simpson

Kyle Anfernee is the youngest out of The Shade Room Crew. Kyle is currently finishing his bachelors at Pepperdine University, and is expected to graduate this April with a degree in Broadcast Journalism. Kyle joined TSR back in October as an Intern, and has since been added to the team. Watch out for Kyle because he's on track to be the next Terrence Jenkins for sure!