Congratulations should be in order for NFL player, Michael Vick, after it was announced last week that he is joining The Steelers, but some fans are not here for him at all!
We all remember over 8 years ago when Vick was arrested and imprisoned for allegedly promoting, funding and facilitated a dog fighting ring on his own property. He was in prison for 21 months and has dutifully restored his place in the NFL today. Well, these pressed Steeler’s fans have started a petition on in hopes of his job offer being revoked and get this– 20k people in counting have signed it!
“I applaud your decision to be outraged over the Steelers signing Michael Vick. You’ve overlooked Big Ben getting accused of sexual assault, Hines Ward getting DUI’s while cheating on his wife with half of the city, you can’t wait for Le’Veon Bell to get back after his drug-related charges and suspension. Hell, you called for the Steelers to bring back Jeff Reed and his multiple arrests for disorderly conduct and assaulting paper towel dispensers after Suisham got hurt. You acted like we won the lottery when the team brought back James Harrison who was arrested for domestic violence. Granted none of those guys hurt puppies – Just their family, loved ones, various women that they raped or beat up, but you can cheer for them because hey, no dogs were harmed, I guess. Never mind that Vick manned, pled guilty, served his time, took his punishment, and has been by ALL reports nothing short of a model teammate since returning to the NFL. Thankfully none of YOU did dumb stuff in your 20’s that you request. Jesus forgives, but NOT THE CITY OF CHAMPIONS DAMMIT!“

1 Comment
White ppl have always cared more about dogs than ppl.