The internet is about to be working overtime after they get a hold of this statement Mike Vick made about Colin Kaepernick and his NFL involvement. The Brotha said Colin should cut his fro and look presentable — and maybe the NFL may consider taking him serious again.
“The first thing we got to get Colin to do is cut his hair,” he said on Undisputed. “Listen, I’m not up here to try to be politically correct, but even if he puts cornrows in it, I don’t think he should represent himself in that way in terms of just a hairstyle. Just go clean cut. Why not? You’re already dealing with a lot of controversy surrounding this issue. What he needs to do is just try to be presentable.”
Some fans agree with Marlon Wayans’ clapback to the statement: “Aw, Mike Vick! You had damn cornrows! What the hell!”
Now, Marlon stands with Colin to an extent, he tells TMZ that if his work on the field ran parallel with his message, critics may have been a little less shaken up by his social activism.
“You can’t kneel AND throw interceptions!”Marlon says. “You ain’t gonna score? You ain’t gonna have them yards? You better stand up and pledge allegiance, sir!”
On top of the #HairDosAndDonts, Colin said he was washing his hands of the NFL to be more involved with the people whom the system oppresses. But even if his desire was to still play ball, how big a deal do y’all think this hair would get??

Colin has since responded with a smooth clapback:
TSR STAFF: Chantel P.! @_popchanny