Over the weekend, Wendy Williams’ highly anticipated biopic premiered on Lifetime. The film chronicled her journey to the talk show host and media personality we know her to be today. Following the film was a two-hour documentary where Wendy discussed the recent events in her personal life that made her a hot topic.
Prior to the biopic and documentary’s release, Wendy was on a lengthy press-run where she encouraged everyone to check out her film.
One show she appeared on was DJ Suss One’s show, and during her interview, she revealed that she had a one night stand with Method Man back in the day. As we previously reported, during the interview, Wendy said, “The only thing I did, I smoked a blunt with Method Man while I gave him a bath and it was a one night stand. And he’ll deny it, maybe not. It wasn’t in the movie because Method Man is still very angry with me for being me, for telling the truth.”
On Monday, Method Man’s wife, Tamika Smith broke her silence and said, “For years, I kept my silence while Wendy Williams launched constant verbal attacks against my husband, myself, and our family. In the past, ignored her lies, innuendos, and blatant attempts to provoke us. But Wendy has proven again and again that she is incapable of any decency. Her obsession with our lives has reached a new low. And I’m tired of taking the high road.”
Read her full statement below:
At the moment Wendy has not responded to Tamika’s statement, and Method Man has not spoken out about the situation.
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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94