#MeekMill held his #StandWithMeekMillRally yesterday in front of the Criminal Justice Center in Philly. He gathered his group of organizers to thank them for holding him down and to join him in demanding a change to the criminal justice system.
“Thank you to everyone coming out and standing up for me. It means a lot to me,” Meek began. “I spent Father’s Day with my son last night. And, if it wasn’t for people like y’all I wouldn’t be here today to spend time like that with my son. So, I wanna say thank y’all.”
Meek continued to explain that he’s fighting for the many men in prison who didn’t get to spend #FathersDay with their children this year.
“I actually left a lot of men inside those walls that can’t spend Father’s Day with their sons,” he said. “I wanted y’all to know that I will stand up for y’all family members through the rest of my music career, and the platform that I actually have to extend myself to make a difference in justice reform.”
The rally was held just hours before his hearing with Judge Genece Brinkley whom Meek has been petitioning to reconsider the testimony of officer Reginald Graham who is under investigation for corruption. On Monday, Brinkley said that she needed more time to consider evidence that could support Meek’s claims.
Via Billboard:
Mill’s attorneys said after the two-hour hearing Monday that the interactions with Brinkley were confrontational. One said Brinkley laughed at testimony from an expert witness, and another said her language during the hearing suggested that she had already decided to rule against Mill’s request.
Keep your head up, Meek!
TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on IG