
Master P. Shared A Story About How He & Kobe Bryant Almost Got Into A Fight That Lamar Odom Ultimately Broke Up


#MasterP recently sat down with @TMZ_Tv where he recalled the time he almost got into a fight with #KobeBryant in the #Lakers facility! “I almost got into it with Kobe before,” he said. “At the Lakers facility. Lamar Odom kind of cooled it off.”

I know, random, right? Anyway, he wouldn’t come out and say what caused it, but he insists that while it was t serious, it could have got out of hand especially since he was in Kobe’s territory.

“I mean, you know how Kobe is. The Lakers’ is his facilities. That’s his place, so you know,” says Master P. “It was just one of those things… I don’t really have many words when it gets to that.”

Y’all can check out the full clip here!

TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet
Source: https://www.google.com/amp/amp.tmz.com/2018/04/10/master-p-kobe-bryant-lamar-odom-nba