TSR is sure we all have done some dumb stuff for love, but we got to hand it to Robert Phillip Rivas out of Utah because he definitely takes the cake!
So check this out, Rivas and his friend Armando Jesse Ambriz robbed Utah Community Credit Union in Pleasant Grove, Utah earlier this month so that Rivas could use the money to bail his ol girl out of jail!
The pair disguised themselves in ridiculous costumes but ironically enough they did successfully rob the bank. But this is where one of robbers messed up , Ambriz walked past a police station in his costume and got caught! Talk about hiding out in plain sight! Rivas, on the other hand, made it to the police station and bailed his girlfriend out of jail before his was arrested. Now that’s a ride or die!
The two men unfortunately couldn’t be charged with being an idiot while committing a crime but they were instead charged with robbery and obstruction of justice.
Roommates, how far would you go for your love? Let’s chat below!

Source Cited: http://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2015/05/man-held-up-bank-to-bail-girlfriend-out-of-jail
TSR Intern: Talia O. @closetratchet on Instagram and @tallyohhh on Twitter!