
Man Holds Plank For More Than 9 Hours To Beat World Record

TSR Fitness: An Australian man held an abdominal plank position for more than 9 hours to become a world record holder.

Chile, I’m usually shaking after 1 minute of planking, so the fact that Daniel Scali could hold a plank for 9 hours, 30 minutes and 1 second is nothing short of amazing.

Scali broke the world record not just for himself but to raise awareness for complex regional pain syndrome, also known as CRPS, which causes almost constant pain in his left arm, according to CNN.

“If you had decided to tell me five years ago that I would have … gone for a record of attempting to go for a plank, there’s no way I would have believed it,” Scali said. 

Scali has been dealing with chronic pain since he was 12 when he fell off a trampoline and broke his left arm.

“The pain is still there,” he said. “The pains aren’t changing but my attitude towards the pain changes.”

This was his second attempt to break the Guinness world record as he was disqualified after his first try, during which he held a plank for 9 hours and 9 minutes. 

Officials weren’t playing games! They reportedly took issue with the position of Scali’s hips, he said.

Y’all would really be surprised to find out that Scali attempted the plank pose for the first time only a little less than a year ago!

“My first plank was in November 2020 and that was for two minutes,” he said. “And the two minutes felt like an absolute lifetime.”

Then that January, Scali began to look into how to apply for the Guinness World Records and got help from a coach. He also had the help of his compression band that he wears everyday on his left arm to ease the pain he experiences.

But despite the compression band, there were times during his planks where he wouldn’t be able to move his arm, Scali said.

“I wanted to show people that no matter what pain you deal with, no matter what issues you have, if you want to do it and you believe you can do it, then go for it,” Scali said.

In his journey to break the record, Scali has raised more than $14,000 for CRPS awareness.

The previous record holder was a 62-year-old American man, who is a former US Marine and retired Drug Enforcement Administration supervisory special agent. He set the record last year by holding the plank for 8 hours, 15 minutes and 15 seconds.

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Christina Calloway