A terminally ill, former school groundskeeper is celebrating a bittersweet victory after a #California jury awarded him $289 million after ruling that his #NonHodginkslymphoma was at least partly due to using a weed killer with the ingredient #glyphosate.
A jury at the #SuperiorCourtofCalifornia in #SanFrancisco determined the weed killer called #Roundup, #DewayneJohnson used to spray the school grounds with played a “substantial factor” in his deteriorating health, according to @TheGrio. #Monsanto, the agricultural company behind the product, was deemed liable in the lawsuit.
About 80 percent of Johnson’s body is now covered in lesions, @CNN reported, and his doctors believe it isn’t likely that Johnson will live past 2020. Johnson’s attorney says the money will help his two sons enjoy a stress-free life and will also allow Johnson to “live the rest of that time in extreme comfort.” Johnson’s victory could be the first of many, as more than 800 patients are suing Monsanto, claiming #Roundup gave them cancer.
Monsanto has vowed to appeal the jury’s verdict, saying it stands by the studies that suggest Roundup does not cause cancer. We’ll keep you updated on the latest, #Roomies.
TSR STAFF: Christina C! @cdelafresh
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