Taylor Swift is trying her best to fix her tarnished image after the whole Kim & Kanye fiasco but I have to give to her she’s making a start.
According to LoveBScott, the pop star donated $50,000 to Ascension Public Schools in Louisiana after they were hit with a terrible storm which brought a lot of flooding that lasted for weeks.
Taylor pledged to donate $1 million to the Bayou State’s flood victims back in August so this is just a start.
Public school information officer Jackie Tisdell spoke with Daily News and talked about where the money would go.
“We will use it to replace classroom items lost in the flood like laptops for students,” Tisdell said. “All of our 5th-12th graders have a personal computing device they can take home. Many of those were lost in the flood.”
School superintendent David Alexander also spoke out and thanked Taylor for her large contribution.
“We are particularly honored that Taylor Swift is reaching out to us,” he said. “Her investment in our children will have far reaching impacts as we recover from the flood.”
The flood caused 5 out of 27 schools in the district to close and damaged over 500 employees homes, according to the school system. Floodwaters left over 5,000 students all over
Source: http://www.lovebscott.com/news/taylor-swift-donates-50000-to-louisiana-public-schools-for-flood-relief