George Floyd (Photo: via Instagram)
#Roommates, today marks the one-year anniversary of the heartbreaking death of George Floyd, who tragically died at the hands of police brutality—but although a life was cut short in the face of violence, positivity still managed to rise to the surface. Immediately following George Floyd’s passing, protestors emerged from all across the country and throughout the world, which was like nothing we had seen since the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. People were (and still are) committed to making their voices heard as the call for justice within the American police force proved to be an issue that required action and not silence.
Additionally, there were also celebrities and big-name corporations that also decided to step up in the wake of George Floyd’s death, including #KanyeWest and Texas A&M University, who both covered his daughter Gianna Floyd’s college tuition. In response to taking a hard look at America’s troubled history with racism, brands like Target and Sephora, changed its company policies to foster inclusion, while Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben’s both changed their problematic names and imagery.
Although the most important change that came from George Floyd’s death was that the House of Representatives formally introduced the George Floyd Policing Act, which will officially ban many of the unlawful practices that have been used against POC when interacting with police. As we look back on the monumental moment in our history, let’s continue the fight against racism, police brutality and injustice—so that George Floyd’s death was not in vain.
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