Marques Houston Says Women His Age May Come With 'Baggage'

Marques Houston Says He Could’ve Married Older But Women His Age May Come With ‘Baggage’ & Kids

Marques Houston, 41, is detailing his decision to marry his wife, Miya Houston, who is 19 years younger than him. The actor sat down with Page Six and explained that dating women his age may come with too much “baggage.”

RELATED: Marques Houston Responds To Backlash Regarding The Almost 20-Year Age Gap Between Him & His Wife (Video)


Marques Houston Explained His "Red Flag" Regarding "Single Mothers"

According to Page Six, Houston explained that one of his “red flags” include “single mothers with children.”

“A red flag to me [was] always with a woman that had a kid. Nothing against single women, but single mothers with children are a red flag for me.”

Houston explained that he tips his hat and respects women “raising children on their own.” However, growing up, he “never really wanted to have kids.”

Additionally, he explained his father advised him that if he was going to have kids, he should do so with a woman who also does not have children.

“I would talk to my dad a lot, and he would always tell me to have your own kids because you never know what the baby daddy‘s are about. So if you’re gonna have kids, make sure it is with a woman that never had kids. So that was always my red flag… and a woman with an attitude. I don’t like women with funky attitudes.”


The Actor Explained What Deterred Him From Marrying A Woman His Age

Houston, who is 41, went on to acknowledge his marriage to 22-year-old Miya Houston. Additionally, he explained why he could’ve married a woman his age and decided not to.

“Women that are my age… they kind of have a different outlook on life. Like a lot of women my age are very independent. They are very like, ‘I don’t need a man to do this for me ’cause I can do it for myself.’ I come from a generation that I love to provide for my wife.”

Furthermore, he explained why his wife was the perfect match for him.

“There’s a lot of women my age I’ve dated, they may have baggage. They may have kids, they may not. There’s so many different women I’ve been with throughout my life, and it just so happens to be that this one [Miya] caught my heart. Everything that I prayed for — and everything that I wanted in a woman — she came with…”

Houston admitted that even though his wife “was young,” he is “young in spirit.”

“Although she was young, I’m young in spirit.”


Marques Houston Explained That He's Used To Criticism Regarding His Dating Preferences

Before ending the interview, Houston explained that he’s used to “critics” weighing in on his dating preferences. He explained that the public’s opinions are something he’s had to deal with since he was a former singer in the group Immature.

“In the Immature days, we [would] have light-skinned girls in our music videos. Then people would question… ‘Why can’t you get a black girl?’ And then it’s like, ‘Oh yeah, I only like light-skinned girls.’ Then the plus-size girls will come and get me. I was like, ‘Man, I can’t catch a break.'”

As The Shade Room previously reported, Marques Houston married Miya Houston in August 2020. The actor was 38 years old, and Miya Houston was 19. The couple has come to share one child.

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