Lawyer Tingz! Kim Kardashian Talks Doing Full-Time Law Work

Lawyer Tingz! Recapping Kim Kardashian’s Legal Efforts As She Speaks On Doing Full-Time Law Work

At the 2023 TIME100 Summit on Tuesday, Kim Kardashian spoke on two significant aspects of her work: reality television and legal advocacy.

While speaking on “The Power of Influence” at the event, Kim was asked if she’d “ever consider a life without the cameras.” In response, the mother-of-four shared that she would be open to enjoying more of her family’s “private times.”

“There’s a lot that’s always on T.V. and a lot that’s always out there, but I think my friends and my family know we really cherish a lot of our private times.”

She proclaimed, “I would be just as happy being an attorney full-time and doing that.”

“The journey just opened up my eyes to so much that it gets overwhelming. Because there’s so much to be done…I would totally spend more time doing that.”

With this recent commentary, it’s fitting to commemorate the work that she’s already put in.

In honor of Kim’s legal work, let’s take a moment to reflect on some of her significant legal efforts (so far)!


Getting Alice Marie Johnson A Second Chance

First and foremost, we have one of Kim’s most well-known legal accomplishments: helping free Alice Marie Johnson.

Johnson was hit with a life sentence in 1996 over a first-time, non-violent offense—and Kim Kardashian advocated for the great-grandmother’s freedom starting in 2018.

Teaming up with Ivanka Trump‘s husband, Jared Kushner, Kim campaigned to free Johnson.

As The Shade Room previously reported, Donald Trump ultimately granted Kim’s request after meeting with her in mid-2018, and Johnson went on to advocate for prison reform.


Helping To Free 17 Inmates In 90 Days

Of course, Kim’s also helped many other people earn a chance at freedom. CNN reports that she helped free 17 inmates in only 90 days by providing financial support.

These inmates were serving life sentences for non-violent, first-time drug offenses, and Kim “provided financial support to cover legal fees so that [the attorneys] can travel the country.”



Giving Momolu Stewart A Platform

Kim Kardashian linked with Momolu Stewart, a man serving time at the District of Columbia Correctional Treatment Facility, in 2019 for a documentary, according to Oxygen.

After meeting him, she went on to advocate for his release, and Stewart’s sentence was commuted to 5 years of probation.


Tweeting In Defense Of Rodney Reed

In the ongoing Rodney Reed case, Kim used her Twitter account to call for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott not to execute the inmate.

She cited “substantial evidence that would exonerate Rodney,” who’s been on death row since 1998.



Advocating For Kevin Keith

Similarly, Kim headed to Columbus, Ohio, to advocate on behalf of Kevin Keith, who maintains his innocence in the face of a 1994 murder conviction.

According to The Columbus Dispatch, Kim proclaimed, “There was so much wrong with justice in this particular case. I wanted to really show people that might not have a law degree that might not understand how messed up our justice system really is.”


Asking Officials To Allow An Incarcerated Father To Attend His Daughter's Funeral

Following the massacre in Uvalde, Texas, Kim called on authorities to temporarily release an incarcerated father—Eli Torres—so he could attend his late daughter’s funeral.

Kim took to Instagram and asked the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to “grant Eli Torres temporary release so that he can say his last goodbye to his baby girl.”

While Torres ultimately lost his bid, this instance nonetheless shows Kim utilizing her voice and platform to try and fight for justice.


Partnering With Alice Marie Johnson For Further Justice

Taking it back to Alice Marie Johnson, she recommended three inmates who deserved a second chance, and Kim helped the women earn their freedom.

According to ABC24 News, Judith Negron, Crystal Munoz, and Tynice Nichole Hall were all pardoned by Trump in 2020.



Not Giving Up On Her Baby Bar

Finally, we have to give Kimmy a shoutout for passing the First-Year Law Students’ Examination—aka the “baby bar.”

This accomplishment followed Kim failing the exam two times. However, she was undeterred and passed the exam in late 2021, and she acknowledged the feat with a lengthy Instagram caption.

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