Categories: Celebs

Lindsay Lohan Suffers Breakdown After Fiancé Allegedly Strangles Her

Lindsay Lohan broke down in tears early Saturday morning as she claimed that she had been attacked by her fiancée Egor Tarabasov.

One of her neighbors, whom had been awakened by her cries, began filming the ordeal just as the actress alleged she had been strangled and was “almost killed” by Tarabasov.

In the video, you can hear Lindsay shouting her name and address to someone on the street.

“Please please please. He just strangled me,” she screamed. “He almost killed me. Everybody will know.” She added.

Lohan proceeds to tell Tarabasov to leave her home. Eventually, she calls him a “f*****g psycho” and then ends their relationship by telling him, “We are finished.”

Lohan added, “No Egor you’ve been strangling me constantly. You can’t strangle a woman constantly and beat the shit out of her and think it’s ok. Everybody saw you touch me. It’s filmed. Get out! Get out.”

A few minutes later, police kicked in the front door of Lohan’s £3.2 million home after receiving calls of a “woman in distress”, but the home was reportedly empty by the time they got there.

They came to the conclusion that no crime had been committed, so no arrests were made.

Watch full video here.
TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!
