
Lil Mo Speaks About How Her Abusive Marriage Contributed To Her Opioid Addiction

Roommates, Lil Mo has been very open about the struggles she’s been facing over the last few years, and she continues to peel back the layers of her music career, her divorce, and now her opioid addiction.

In an seminal interview with The Breakfast Club, Mo gets candid about the connection between the abuse and toxicity in her marriage, and her developing an opioid addiction. She even goes as far as calling herself a “functioning addict”, and explains exactly what went down with her ex husband Karl Dargan.

Mo previously spoke about an altercation in which Karl spat on her, but she is now detailing other instances in which he threatened her. She says one morning they were in the middle of an argument so heated, she had to run out of her Philadelphia condo, and never look back.

“We woke up that morning and all I remember was he was acting like he was going to spit on me again,” she said. “He told me ‘I’ll blow your f*cking head off, I’ll throw you off of this balcony and I’ll kill you dead.”

She says the verbal altercation took a turn for the worse, and her neighbors reported a disturbance to the police. Mo says once she got the opportunity to open the door to her condo, she ran and found safety at her manager’s house.

“I ran out that door looking crazy with just a t-shirt on,” she says.

But the abuse didn’t stop there, and Lil Mo says she found herself looking for a high that she couldn’t always keep up with. She says she was taking everything from percocets to adderall in the morning, but nothing kept the high for long enough. She says she realized she had a problem when she started to act out publicly.

Now, Mo is living in Baltimore with her children, who she says are happier than ever. She and Karl are in the process of getting a divorce!
