
LeBron James & The Los Angeles Dodgers Team Up To Turn Dodgers Stadium Into A Voting Center

As you all know this is a very important election year, and many celebrities have been using their platforms to encourage the public to get out and vote come November. On Thursday, it was announced that LeBron James and his group “More Than A Vote” will be teaming up with the Los Angeles Dodgers to turn Dodgers Stadium into a voting site.

According to ESPN, this is the first time that a major league baseball team has offered their facility to be turned into a voting center. In the past few months, Dodgers Stadium has also been used as a site for food distribution and coronavirus testing.

LeBron James talked about the partnership and said, “I may still be new to L.A. but didn’t take long for me to learn how special the relationship is between the Dodgers and Lakers. We are all in this together. I’m really proud we were able to help the Dodgers become the first MLB stadium to open for voting. This is exactly why we created More Than a Vote. A lot of us now working together and here for every team who wants to follow the Dodgers lead and turn their stadium into a safer place for voting.”

The five days prior to November 3rd, which is Election Day, and on Election Day, all registered voters will be able to park at the stadium for free as they vote. At the moment, it is not clear if the ballots will be cast inside the stadium or outdoors. Nonetheless, they will be following the rules when it comes to social distancing.

Dodgers president and CEO Stan Kasten also said, “Dodger Stadium is part of the fabric of Los Angeles, and we’re proud to continue to partner with the County to make the property available for the benefit of the community at large. Voting is all of our civic duty, and we’re excited to work with More Than a Vote to do anything we can to help get out the vote by making this process as easy, accessible, and safe for all Angelenos.”

LeBron formed his group “More Than A Vote,” back in June with hopes of fighting voter suppression. So far they have been sticking to their task to make sure that everyone who has the right to vote gets out and vote.

Last month, the “More Than A Vote” group donated $100,000 to the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition’s fund to help pay off outstanding fees and fines associated with felony convictions before residents registered to vote.



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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94

Jade Whiteside