Lauren London (Photo by Allen Berezovsky/WireImage)
Whew, chile! The innanet was in a frenzy, when LA Sentinel reported that Lauren London was pregnant. On Wednesday, the actress tweeted, “Woke up to some straight bulls–t. Rumors ! Lies ! On a woman trying her best to heal?! Please stop. I’m NOT pregnant.”
Her tweet comes after West Coast weekly the Los Angeles Sentinel cited a ‘source’ claiming she was pregnant and planning an intimate baby shower this week.
This isn’t the first time people tried to make false claims about Lauren. In 2020, after posting and deleting a few casual pics with Diddy, rumors began circulating that the two were dating, as previously reported.
Lauren also took to social media and shut those claims down. In a few Instagram posts, Lauren addresses the headlines, and said she will always and forever be referred to as Lady Hussle. First, she posts a photo of Nipsey captioned: “Still His! King Ermias! Never Forget!”
Lauren followed up with, “Stop f*cking playing with me and my name. Now let me get back to healing.”
As you know, Lauren was dating Nipsey, at the time of his death in March of 2019. The two share a son together. He was 33-years-old.
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