Lady Gaga To Help Fund 162 Classrooms In Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton Following The Recent Mass Shootings (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)
Last week news broke that Lady Gaga’s bulldogs were stolen after her dog walker was shot while walking them in the Hollywood area of Los Angeles. Shortly after it was reported that Lady Gaga was offering a $500,000 reward for her dogs’ safe return. Ultimately it didn’t take too long for her dogs to be recovered.
While many people were happy to learn about her dogs’ safe return, many people also wondered about her dog walker’s condition after being shot.
On Monday, Ryan Fischer, Lady Gaga’s dog walker, shared photos of himself inside of the hospital and spoke out about the incident for the first time.
He recalled the shooting and said, “While a car sped away and blood poured from my gun shot wound, an angel trotted over and laid next to me. My panicked screams calmed as I looked at her, even though it registered that the blood pooling around her tiny body was my own.”
Ryan continued, “I am still in recovery from a very close call with death and have kept myself (for the most part, I mean I am human) from the growing media story. I will write and say more later, but the gratitude for all the love I feel from around this planet is immense and intense.”
Gaga’s dogs Koji and Gustav were stolen, and her third dog Asia was able to run away and was later recovered while the search for Koji and Gustav continued.
A woman returned the dogs unharmed to LAPD last Friday. The woman responsible for the dogs’ return was seemingly “uninvolved and unassociated” with the attack.
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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94