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Korryn Gaines’ Family Lawyer Expecting No Charges To Be Filed Against The Officers Who Fatally Shot Her

It looks like the Baltimore police officers involved in the shooting of Korryn Gaines may not face any charges for her death, which occurred last month.

According to The New York Daily News, J. Wyndal Gordon, the lawyer of Gaines’ family revealed that he doesn’t expect any criminal charges to be filed. He will meet with the Baltimore County State’s Attorney Scott Shellenberger on Wednesday to discuss the case.

Last month Gaines was shot and killed by officers after she allegedly pointed a gun at them while they were trying to serve her with an arrest warrant for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest charges from a traffic stop back in March.

Gordon who is representing the family in a wrongful death suit said that he expects the officers to say that they investigated themselves and didn’t find that they did anything wrong.

Gordon said, “They confirmed it by their silence. The tone and tenor of the conversation lead me to believe they will not be filing charges.”

The wrongful death suit also says that a neighbor heard Gaines surrender herself to police before they shot and killed her.

The County State Attorney Scott Shellenberger said in a statement on Tuesday that he will not comment on the case until he meets with the family of Gaines and their lawyer.


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