Categories: Celebs

Kordell Stewart Exposed By Alleged Ex In New Tape

It looks like Porsha Williams ex-husband Kordell Stewart is being exposed by an alleged ex.

According to Funky Dineva, an alleged ex boyfriend sent in an email claiming that the two had been together for two years and proceeded to give more details. 

“When we met he was my “bro”. We played golf, went on trips, he supported me when I was finishing my Masters (yes he paid) and I supported him when he was finishing up his degree earlier this year.”

He would go on to say their relationship began after a drunken night. Now his ex Porsha has hinted in the past that he may be playing for the other team. 

When asked for evidence the person sent in a video of Kordell showing off his private areas.

Check it out here

Check out the alleged ex’s full statement:

“I’ve been dating Kordell for the last two years and yes I’m a guy.

I know the first thing is why would I hit up a blogger about it well I feel like I need to say my piece.

I love Kordell and his son Syre but I can only be manipulated so much.

When we met he was my “bro”. We played golf, went on trips, he supported me when I was finishing my Masters (yes he paid) and I supported him when he was finishing up his degree earlier this year. But I feel like just because he has more money over me he can control me.

I have to give it to him, he started this well. We became friends, then close friends, slept in the bed together on trips without doing anything. Then one day… I woke up and while laying in bed he brought up last sexual encounters. He told me about how he let two girls suck his dick and one started licking his ass. He asked had I ever done or would I… I said maybe. He jokingly said “with me”? I said maybe… nothing happened for months until we got drunk and he aggressively said he wanted. Needless to say that began our relationship.

It was good for a while until his ex wife came back around. I didn’t really care because he always talked about Porsha. Once he started knocking her off he never brought her up. He was giving her money every week, and would get mad when i said she’s using you.

This is only the half of it.”


Jade Whiteside