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Whatever Kim Kardashian is paying her security team needs to be doubled because these fans just do not let up! According to previous reports, Kim has been dealing with a fan who has made multiple attempts to make contact with her and it looks like he did something quite strange this time around.
According to TMZ, Kim’s security guards discovered a package addressed to her on June 3rd, which included a diamond engagement ring and a Plan B pill. Kim’s team reportedly believes the package was sent by the same man who showed up to her house on multiple occasions.
As previously reported, the fan allegedly showed up to Kimmy Cakes’ house back in February, and once more back in May. Security guards caught the man at the front of Kim’s gated community claiming he was picking her up for dinner.
Sources close to the situation told TMZ that the man’s social media accounts have been suspended, and Kim’s legal team plans to file a restraining order against him in the near future.
TMZ recently reported Kim’s team was taking legal action against another man, who claims has been trying to get inside her home. The man allegedly professed his love for her in many posts on social media, and allegedly filmed himself standing outside of her property.
The past few months have been tough for Kim, so you would think people would be more sympathetic to her and her family. As we previously reported, Kim broke down on a recent episode of KUWTK, saying that she feels like a “loser” for her marriage to Kanye being a failure.
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