TSR Entertainment

Kim Kardashian Speaks On Helping Rodney Reed & Other Inmates Get Out Of Prison

Roommates, Rodney Reed is set to be executed by the end of the month, and people are working around the clock to ensure that doesn’t happen. Many activists, such as Shaun King, are working diligently alongside celebs like Kim Kardashian-West to prove his innocence.

While speaking with the ladies of The Real, Kim spoke about Rodney and his case, and advocated that everybody go out and sign the petition for him execution to be stopped. She also spoke briefly about the role she is playing, but speaking with Texas governors on his behalf.

“Rodney Reed has been in prison for almost 25 years,” she says. “And if there’s even a possibility that someone could be innocent and they are on death row, there’s a problem.”

Loni Love then asks Kim about the work she is doing with other inmates, and when she injured about how she goes about it, Kim says she has two methods. The first method is by funding great groups of lawyers to handle cases, and the second method is by using her influence to speak with government officials on behalf of inmates.

As of now, Kim Kardashian estimates she has helped approximately 30 people out of prison.

Check out what she had to say here:
