Categories: Celebs

Judge Grants Kid Cudi’s Baby Mother A Restraining Order, Says She Fears for Her Life

It is being reported that #KidCudi, whose real name is Scott Mescudi, has been ordered to stay away from the mother of his child after allegedly sending threatening messages to her in regards to their daughter. Back in 2010, Jacqueline Munyasya sued the rapper over custody and child support. Mescudi claimed that he gave his BM extra child support payments and even bought a house in Chicago so that he could be closer to her. Munyasya responded with claims of the rapper’s inconsistencies in his story and even said that he’s an absentee dad! She was eventually awarded primary custody and Cudi was ordered to pay up.

The only reason why they were back in court recently is because back in August, Munyasya sited that due to constant threats and verbal abuse from Mescudi, he has caused her emotional distress for the past two years. She filed an emergency motion in the case explaining that “over the last two years, Scott has increasingly sent threatening and harassing messages to me, which are causing me extreme emotional distress and anxiety.”

Between August 11th-14th, the rapper allegedly texted her 168 times which included threats of him sending “the guy to stand by my house,” calling the woman “so gross and sick n the head” and finally telling her that she “ain’t sh*t.” He also told her that he’d be serving her with papers because he was seeking sole custody of their daughter Vada.

In addition to these allegations against Cudi, Munyasya claims to have been threatened and berated by his fans after tweeting negative things about her. She also even alleges that he’s threatened to start a “Justice for Vada” hashtag on Twitter and threatened to contact the media, perhaps, in an effort to shame her into giving up custody. The woman sites that Cudi told her “U better take my threats seriously *sshole,” further justifying her emergency motion.

Thankfully, the judge finally granted her the restraining order and it is effective until August 18th, 2017 which is exactly a year from when the motion was filed:


Obviously this woman has been through a lot with Kid Cudi, but we hope that they can become amicable for the sake of their daughter in the future!
TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!