Khloe Kardashian (Photo: via Instagram)
With the hit series “Keeping Up With The Kardashians,” now over, the ladies gathered for a reunion show that was hosted by Andy Cohen, and they addressed many of the things fans have been wondering about. One of the topics of discussion during the show was whether or not Khloe Kardashian has had plastic surgery done to her face.
During the show, Andy asked, “Is there something that has been written about you or talked about, that you feel like, this something that I always get and it’s just not true?”
Khloe responded and said, “Well for me everyone says, ‘Oh my gosh she has had her third face transplant,’ but I’ve had one nose job, Dr. Raj Kanodia, and everyone gets so upset like why don’t I talk about it. No one has ever asked me, you’re the first person in an interview that’s asked me about my nose. I’ve done sure injections, not really botox I’ve responded horribly to botox.”
Back in April Khloe addressed changes made to her body after it was reported that her team worked to get an unauthorized photo of her removed from social media.
At that time she said, “The photo that was posted this week is beautiful. But as someone who has struggled with body image her whole life, when someone takes a photo of you that isn’t flattering in bad lighting or doesn’t capture your body the way it is after working so hard to get it to this point, and then shares it to the world, you should have every right to ask for it to not be shared, regardless of who you are.”
She continued to speak about the pressures she’s felt over the years due to comments.
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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94